If you’re looking forward to getting your drink this weekend, then you’re in luck. Even as you take your favorite drink, people are always worried about their weight. Thus, how many ounces in a Tall Boy?
A typical Tallboy is a 16 oz (473 ml) beer beverage can the United States is a lager-style beer originating from Vietnam by Bier Hoi Brewing Company and is sold singly, in groups of 4 or six-pack. The 16 oz is also referred to as a pint. The Tall Boy steel or aluminum cans are used for packaging beers and energy drinks.
We all know that drinking is a fundamental human right, haha! And with that being said, there are plenty of different options when it comes to drinking your favorite adult beverages.
People generally drink their alcohol in one of two ways: neat or mixed with other liquids like soft drinks, juices, or even water. You can order your beer in a tall boy or in a 32, 48, or 60-ounce pitcher of beer.
However, irrespective of how you plan on drinking your alcohol, it’s important to know how many ounces in a tall boy so that you can keep track of how much alcohol you’re consuming. This article will delve into the world of tall boys and everything you need to know about them.
How Many Ounces in a Tall Boy?
A typical Tallboy is a 16-ounce (473 ml) beer beverage can the United States is a lager-style beer originating from Vietnam by Bier Hoi Brewing Company and is sold singly, in groups of 4 or six-pack. The 16 oz is also referred to as a pint. The Tall Boy steel or aluminum cans are used for packaging beers and energy drinks.
Really, this depends entirely on what type of drink you’re getting. A standard 12 oz can of beer is the smallest drink you can order at a bar. This is the same amount of alcohol that is in a standard 5 oz glass of wine.
The most common tall boy drink is a 16 oz beer which is the same size as a standard 12 oz can of beer. If you order a 24 oz drink, it’s the same amount of alcohol as a 12 oz can of beer and a 6 oz glass of wine. A 32 oz drink is the same as a 12 oz can of beer, a 6 oz glass of wine, and a 12 oz glass of wine.
Most craft brewers and breweries prefer the 16 oz tall boys cans instead of bottles. This is because the cans are lighter and cost-effective even though they are not returned after use. The cans are also recyclable.
The 16-ounce tall boys give the drinkers more alcohol as compared to the 12-ounce cans and thus is the preferred alcohol packaging mode for persons who want to get drunk quickly.

How many ml in a tall boy?
Now that we know how many ounces in a tall boy, let’s talk about how many ml in a tall boy. A tall boy, in general, is a 16 oz can of beer.
A tall boy is approximately 500 ml of beer but in most cases, it is exactly 473 ml. Thus, a tall boy is a large can as compared to the 350 ml (12 oz) cans.
However, the amount of alcohol that’s in a tall boy varies depending on the drink you’re ordering. In a 12 oz can of beer, there is about 8.5 oz of beer and 2.5 oz of alcohol.
Whereas in a 16 oz can of beer, there is about 11.5 oz of beer and 4.5 oz of alcohol. So, now that you know how many ml are in a tall boy, how do you know how many calories are in a tall boy?
History of the Tall Boy
Beverages have been canned since the beginning of the nineteenth century, and the initial cans were created from wrought iron. The popularity of tall boys began to grow in the 1940s as a result of their use in military rations.
American brewers began using larger cans to distinguish their beer from foreign brands in the 1970s. The popularity of extra-large cans continued to expand after this.
At sporting events and concerts worldwide, they are a popular sight. It is easy to hold, due to its large base and narrow top, whether you desire a light beer or something more potent. It is a terrific drink for any event.
The tall boy is essentially a beer can that’s been supersized. The most widely accepted theory as to how the tall boy was born is that one day a beer company was trying to find a way to make more money.
They wanted to start selling beer in larger cans, but they knew they couldn’t sell it at the same price as the beer in the smaller cans.
So, they decided to sell the larger cans at a discounted price. This way, they were making more money and their customers were saving money. It’s simple to hold, and its size makes it an excellent beverage for any occasion.
Why Are There Different Sizes of Alcohol?
Different sizes of alcohol have different amounts of alcohol in them. This is important because it allows people to drink less alcohol, if they so choose, or more alcohol if that’s what they want.
There are a few different reasons why manufacturers have different sizes of alcohol, but one of the most common reasons is that different sizes are taxed at different rates.
In the United States, alcohol is taxed based on the volume of alcohol that it contains. This means that a 14% tax rate is applied to all drinks that have 14% alcohol or less.
A $19% tax rate is applied to drinks that have between 14% and 80% alcohol. And, finally, a $49% tax rate is applied to drinks that have more than 80% alcohol.
16 oz beer
Let’s talk more specifically about that 16 oz beer. As we just discussed, it’s the standard tall boy size and has 4.5 oz of alcohol in it. A 16 oz beer is roughly about 200 calories.
However, some beers may have less calories in them than that, and some beers may have more calories in them than that. In general, a regular beer that’s been sitting at room temperature will have between 150 and 170 calories in it.
Budweiser, Coors, and Miller are the three most popular brands of beer in the United States, but these three brews are generally the least caloric beers that are out there.

How many oz in a can of beer?
Now that we know how many calories are in a can of beer, let’s talk about how many ounces are in a can of beer. If you order a 12 oz beer in a can, there will be 12 oz of beer in that can.
However, if you order a 16 oz beer in a can, there will be 16 oz of beer in that can. That’s because cans of beer come in different sizes based on the amount of beer you’re ordering.
So, if you’re ordering a 12 oz beer in a can, that can will be filled with 12 oz of beer.
Is a tall boy equal to 2 beers?
A standard drink is made of a regular 12-ounce can or bottle of beer. The tall boy (16-oz pint can) is fast becoming an emerging industry standard for craft brewers and the people taking beer in craft breweries.
A tall boy, which is a 16 oz. beer can has one and a half standards drinks. On the other hand, a 12 oz. can has one standard drink or a bottle of beer.
In the market today, there is a “40”, which refers to 3.5 standard drinks. It is not as common as the other two containers but is still available in the market.
What is considered 1 drink?
In the US, a standard drink is 12 ounces of regular beer which contain approximately 14 grams of pure alcohol. This is because, with an ABV of 5%, a can or bottle that is the standard size will have 14 g of pure alcohol.
However, in wines, the amount considered to be one drink is 5 ounces of wine since most wines have 12% ABV.
For shots of distilled drinks, a standard drink has 1.5 ounces of spirits which has a recommended ABV of 40%.
Therefore, a standard drink will vary depending on the ABV of the alcohol that you are taking.

Calories Are in a Tall Boy
Now that we know how many calories are in a beer, let’s talk about how many calories are in a tall boy.
That 16 oz tall boy that we discussed earlier will have between 175 calories in Samuel Adams Boston Lager, 195 calories in a Budweiser tall boy, 200 calories in a tall boy of Alexandar Keith India Pale Ale, and 440 calories in Anheuser-Busch Bud Light Lime-A-Rita.
As you can see, that’s a pretty significant difference. The main reason for this calorie discrepancy is the type of alcohol that’s in each beverage. Beer, as we discussed earlier, contains a lot of carbs. Whereas hard liquor is almost entirely alcohol.
Benefits of a Tall Boy
As you’ve probably noticed by now, a tall boy is basically just a can of beer that’s been supersized.
- Reduced transportation costs: Tall boys are not fragile. Therefore, as compared to glass bottles, the boxes are easier to transport since you don’t need crates. Moreover, they a lighter and easier to transport.
- Lower alcohol intake: The main benefit of drinking a tall boy over a beer pitcher is that you’re more likely to drink slower from a tall boy can than from a pitcher. This is because if you’re drinking from a can, you can’t just guzzle the beer down. You have to take your time.
- Good for the environment: A tall boy can also be better for the environment than drinking from a beer pitcher. This is because a beer pitcher can actually take more water and resources to create than a single can of beer.
- It’s easier to produce and fill a tall boy: As compared to a beer bottle, it is easier to produce beer cans and also fill them. Moreover, it is larger in size giving you more room for a higher amount of beer.
- It is easy to label and decorate: A tall boy is larger than the other cans, giving you a larger surface area as you are labeling and decorating your beer. Moreover, as compared to a beer bottle, you are sure that the labels will not peel off even when the beer is chilled.
- Cans are easy to handle for craft brewers: The cost of buying beer bottles that may get broken is too high for craft brewers. That is why they prefer beer growlers or beer cans. The bigger the can, the more cost-effective it is for the craft brewer.

Average Price Of Tall Boys
The average price of a tall boy can vary depending on where you buy it and what type of alcohol you’re buying. For example, a tall boy can of beer is going to be a lot cheaper than a tall boy can of mixed drinks.
However, on average, a tall boy can of beer costs you about $3. A tall boy can of mixed drinks costs you about $4.50.
The price range of between $2.50 to $4.75 is dependent on the beer brand, type of beverage, and if it is classified as a premium beverage.
This article has explored everything you need to know about tall boys. We’ve explored what a tall boy is, how many ounces in a tall boy, what the history of the tall boy is, why there are different sizes of alcohol, and how many calories are in a tall boy.
A tall boy is a can of beer that’s been supersized meaning 16 oz. Beer and energy drinks cans come in two sizes: 12 oz and 16 oz. The only differences between these two cans are the amount of beer that’s in them.
Now that you know everything you need to know about tall boys, the only thing left to do is go out and get some alcohol. Whether you prefer beer or spirits, you’re sure to find something that you like in a tall boy can.