How to Store Wine for a Long Time: 20 Years or 10 Years Storage Tips

When you find that perfect wine bottle, we want to know how to store wine for a long time. Whether you found the perfect wine through an extensive search or by chance — it is important to know how to store it properly if you want to enjoy it again in 10, 20, or even 30 years.

The following are the 9 professional winery tips to store your wine for a long time- up to 20 years:

  1. Store wine at the right temperature (45-65 Degrees Fahrenheit)
  2. Maintain the bottle of wine at between 50% to 70% humidity
  3. Avoid rigorous or smooth movements and vibrations
  4. Store the wine away from light, especially direct sunlight.
  5. Maintain the wine in a place that has a clean unrestricted airflow.
  6. Store the bottle facing sideways.
  7. Invest in an off-site wine locker
  8. Store white wines in the refrigerator and avoid the fridge for other wines
  9. Ensure the storage area is clean and dust free
  10. Store the right types of wine (wine meant to age)

Let’s go deeper into how to store wine for a long time. The process will help you store the right wine bottle for a period of 20 years.

How to store wine for a long time (10 years or 20 years storage)

How to store wine for a long time (10 years or 20 years storage)

To store wine for a long time, you need the optimal storage condition depending on the type of wine. The long-term wine storage requirements include storing it at the right temperature, humidity, aeration, bottle orientation, lighting, cleanliness, and with a minimal movement among others.

Let’s go through each of these conditions in detail according to the type of wine that you are storing.

1. Store wine at the right temperature (45-65 Degrees Fahrenheit)

When you store wine between 45 Degrees Fahrenheit (7 Degrees Celcius) and 65 Degrees Fahrenheit (18 Degrees Celcius) you are sure that it will last for a long time.

Storing wine at the wrong temperature can have a negative effect on its taste and longevity. While people often assume that storing wine for a long time means storing it at the lowest possible temperature, this isn’t always the case.

If you want to store wine for 20 years, you may need to invest in below-grade or underground storage that is naturally insulated to give you the perfect temperature all year round.

Depending on where you live, some people may opt for a special wine refrigerator with a humidity monitor/ sensor and water supply to maintain the correct humidity of between 50% and 80% as described below.

In fact, storing wine at the low end of the temperature spectrum isn’t recommended. According to most experts, storing wine at the middle-temperature spectrum — 45-65 degrees Fahrenheit — is best.

The cooler end of the spectrum (45 degrees Fahrenheit) is better suited for wines that are already past their prime. The hotter end of the spectrum (65 degrees Fahrenheit) is better for newly purchased wines that will be enjoyed sooner rather than later.

The ideal temperature to store wine for long-term use is around 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Maintain the bottles of wine at between 50% to 70% humidity

Humidity is one of the most important factors when storing wine for long-term use. The right humidity levels keep your wine corks hydrated and sealed for a long time hence aiding in the slow aging process for your wine

If humidity is too high, the cork can become wet and begin to expand and contract inside the bottle, which can negatively affect the taste of the wine. Moreover, with high humidity, the wine may start to mold which ruins your wine in a short time.

If the humidity level is too low, the corks can dry out, which can lead to air getting into the bottle and oxidizing the wine. The dry air will result in the drying of the cork which leads to its shrinking. If the wine cork has shrunk, you will most definitely get spoiled wine in a few days due to oxidation.

The ideal humidity level for storing wine properly is between 50% to 70%. Relative humidity of 60% is the recommended humidity for wine storage for up to 20 years.

To maintain this perfect wine storage temperature, you can either:

  • Purchase a humidifier: Getting a humidifier for your wine can be a long-term storage solution to enable you to store wine for even 20 years. The humidifier should be used together with a hygrometer to ensure that you are monitoring the relative humidity of the wine storage area. 
  • Introduce a dash of water onto the wine storage area: Adding some water in the storage area enables you to keep the humidity at the right range. However, this method is a little bit harder to control as compared to the other methods described here.
  • Invest in a special wine fridge with a humidity monitor/ sensor: If you keep lots of wine and want a long-term solution, then you may opt for a special wine refrigerator with a humidity monitor/ sensor and water supply. The sensor and water supply work collaboratively to maintain the correct humidity of between 50% and 80%

Relative humidity is defined as the percentage of moisture in the air at a certain temperature. It helps in ensuring that things do not either absorb moisture or lose moisture depending on the requirements.

3. Avoid rigorous or smooth movements and vibrations

Humans aren’t the only ones who should be careful when moving and handling wine bottles: they should also be careful when handling them. While you may be tempted to hold or move the bottle carefully, avoid rigorous or smooth movements, such as shaking the bottle or moving it quickly from side to side.

If you need to move or lift the wine, do so by lifting it from the base of the bottle — not the neck. Similarly, avoid placing the wine bottles on surfaces that are constantly vibrating.

The vibrations may cause undesirable vibrations to be transferred from the surface to the wine, which can negatively impact the taste of the wine. If you can’t avoid placing the wine on a vibrating surface, consider placing something soft between the surface and the wine.

4. Store the wine away from light, especially direct sunlight

If you want to store wine for the long term, you need to be sure to protect it from light. Sunlight can damage wine, causing it to turn brown or even become poisonous after a while.

For the best results, you can store wine in a cool, dark closet or basement to minimize exposure to light but ensure that you monitor and control temperatures in addition to humidity. Consider wrapping the wine in a cloth if you do not have a proper storage area but this works for a short time.

If you want to keep the wine tasting fresh and not turn it into a potentially dangerous bottle, keep it away from light as much as possible. Even if you store the wine in a dark place, it’s important to keep the bottle away from light.

Light can pass through the bottle and damage the wine inside. If you want to be extra careful, you can even store wine in a completely opaque bottle.

5. Maintain the wine in a place that has a clean unrestricted airflow

Airflow is important for all types of storage, but it’s especially important when storing wine for a long time. If you want your wine to last for years on end, you need to maintain a clean and unrestricted airflow.

Clean and unrestricted airflow helps to prevent the growth of molds. Moreover, good airflow reduces any intrusive smells and humidity that can affect the taste of the stored wine.

For a wine cellar or wine fridge, you can buy one with a built-in fan. The built-in fan enables air circulation to the wine without worrying about the need for separate airflow.

For wine bottles stored on a rack, try to avoid placing the bottles too close together — it’s important to leave room for airflow. You can introduce a small fan to the storage area to keep the air flowing. However, care should be taken not to lower the temperature below the optimal temperature described above.

If you have the space and budget for storing wine bottles in a cellar, it’s important to maintain a clean environment. This means keeping the area free of dust and having a proper ventilation system in place.

6. Store the bottle facing sideways

Wine for a storage period exceeding 6 months should be stored on the side always. There are three main reasons why you should store wine on the side always:

  1. Wine corks can dry out if stored in an upright position. When the wine cork dries out, the wine can easily go bad through an oxidation process since the cork shrinks when it dries. A wine bottle stored on the side ensures that there is constant moisture on the cork thus keeping the bottle locked.
  2. Saving storage space: If you are in a small storage space, you need to store wine on the side. This is because more bottles can be stored in a small space when stored on the side. The small storage space requirements work even for wines with a screwcap which do not require the cock to be moisturized.
  3. When you store wine upright, the liquid in the bottle can start to settle at the bottom of the bottle. This can cause the taste of the wine to change and mature unevenly. If you want to store wine for years on end, it’s best to store it on its side. This prevents the taste from becoming too mature or stale.

As you make the storage area, you need to ensure that all the bottles are easily accessible. This ensures you do not need to move wine bottles to access some other bottles. Moving one bottle of wine to reach other bottles increases the movements which can ruin your wine if done frequently.

Thus, if you want to store wine for a long time, it’s best to always store it on its side.

7. Invest in an off-site wine locker

Storing wine in the wine cellar is recommended for long-term storage. The wine cellar helps in regulating the storage temperature, humidity, cleanliness, air quality, and brightness among others. Wine cellars are however expensive- a cellar ranges from $4,000 to $50,000.

If you have the space and budget, investing in an off-site wine locker is the best way to store wine for the long term. When you store wine in a standard cellar, the temperature is generally consistent — however, it’s not always consistent throughout the year.

Invest in an off-site wine locker to store wine for a long time

If you live in a cold climate, for example, the cellar gets cooler in the winter months. When you store wine in an offsite wine locker, you can rest assured that temperature and humidity levels are consistent throughout the year. This helps the wine maintain its freshness and original taste for longer.

Moreover, an offsite wine locker assures you of loss prevention, security and stability. These are important features for most retailers especially.

8. Store white wines in the refrigerator and avoid for other wines

A wine cellar is the best for storing wine. However as discussed above, it is out of reach for most wine lovers since a wine cellar can cost from $4,000 to $50,000. Thus, for long-term storage, you can invest in a wine fridge with a fan for air circulation and a hygrometer to monitor the humidity.

While storing white wines in the refrigerator is generally considered safe, storing red wines in the fridge isn’t recommended. Red wine is best when it is stored at normal cellar temperatures.

If you want to store white wine for a long time, it’s best to store it in the refrigerator. White wine is best when it’s a little cooler — and refrigerators generally maintain temperatures around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, which is the recommended temperature for long-term white wine storage.

Related article: Do You Have To Refrigerate Wine After Opening?

9. Ensure the storage area is clean and dust free

Wine bottles are delicate and their condition can easily be negatively impacted by dust or other contaminants in the storage area. Dust and other dirt can cause mold growth on the bottle or also reduce aeration which keeps the wine fresh. Moreover, dirty or dusty areas can lead to insect infestation, bad smells, and spills which impacts the wine greatly.

If you want the wine to last longer, you need to ensure that the storage area is clean and free of dust. If you keep the area clean, you can avoid contaminating the wine bottles, and keeping them unclean can add years to their longevity.

To keep the wine fresh, ensure that you sweep the area often and brush off any dust settling on the wine bottles. Moreover, you should also wipe out any wine spills or water spills that happen in the storage area to reduce insect infestation and also maintain the right humidity.

Finally, ensure that during the cleaning process, you do not use harsh or scented cleaning agents. The corrosive cleaning agents can alter the taste and smell of your wine with time since it pollutes the wine.

10. Store the right types of wine: Choose and buy the right type of wine

While storing the right temperatures and keeping the bottle clean and dust-free is important, you should also be sure to store the right types of wine in your wine cellar. You can age fine Red Wine for up to 20 years

If you want to store a certain wine for a long time, you need to make sure that it’s the right type of wine. For example, if you want to store red wine for several years, it’s best to make sure that it’s a type of red wine that will age well.

The wines from Napa Valley, Piedmont, and Tuscany in Italy, Bordeaux and Burgundy regions of France, and Priorat and Rioja in Spain can be stored for a long time. Examples of wines from these areas include the Chardonnay, such as White Burgundy and French Chablis; Sauvignon Blanc, such as White Bordeaux; and Riesling, including Auslese and German Spatlese. Common examples include Auslese, German Spatlese, and Merlot, such as Pomerol.

If you want to store wine for a long time, you need to be sure to follow all of these tips. Storing wine correctly is the best way to protect it against oxidation and contamination.

Related: How Long can Wine Age Before it Goes Bad?

How to store wine for 20 years

To store wine for 20 years, you need to ensure the 10 conditions listed above are important for the beer to continue aging and remain in pristine condition. For the how-to-store wine for 20 years, we recommend using an off-site wine locker, especially for higher-end wines.

The major prerequisite to keep the wine in a pristine condition for 20 years is to store your wine in a dark and dry place (professional storage) on its side to preserve its great taste while avoiding fluctuations in temperatures and with minimal movement.

Other than using off-site wine lockers, some of the European chateau store the wine cellars either below grade or underground with insulation to keep the temperatures at the optimal range and minimize fluctuations all year round. Moreover, the conditions are better aerated, cool, and dry for long time wine storage.

Some people wrap the wine bottles with Styrofoam or bubble wrap before storage to minimize chances of breakage. One of the major things to check is the ways to prevent the cork from drying out and causing oxidation of the wine. Temperature changes can easily also ruin the wine. For short time storage, a dark closet or basement can be a great storage place.


There are few treats in life more satisfying than a glass of fine wine. However, most people who enjoy wine don’t have the means to store it for very long. That’s because wine — especially red wine — oxidizes and eventually spoils after only a few months.

As anyone who has ever finished a bottle of wine in one sitting knows, oxidation is one of the primary culprits behind the rapid spoiling of an opened bottle. A bit of research reveals that there are some ways to extend the life of your favorite wines; drinking them faster is not one of them. The following are the tips explored:

  1. Store wine at the right temperature (45-65 Degrees Fahrenheit)
  2. Maintain the bottle of wine at between 50% to 70% humidity
  3. Avoid rigorous or smooth movements and vibrations
  4. Store the wine away from light, especially direct sunlight
  5. Maintain the wine in a place that has a clean unrestricted airflow
  6. Store the bottle facing sideways
  7. Invest in an off-site wine locker
  8. Store white wines in the refrigerator and avoid it for other wines
  9. Ensure the storage area is clean and dust free
  10. Store the right types of wine (wine meant to age)

Let’s hope that you will be able to keep your wine for 10 years or even 20 years with this guide.


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