Recipe For Plum Wine: 11 Steps to Make Your Own, Homebrew Style!

Recipe For Plum Wine: 11 Steps to Make Your Own, Homebrew Style!

Do you love plum wine? If so, you’ve come to the right place for the best recipe for plum wine! Making your own plum wine at home can be a lot of fun. Plum wine is high in alcohol and has a deep red color. It’s an acidic wine that is made by fermenting red or purple plums with a specific type of yeast. It’s a type of wine that is pleasant to drink in small amounts.

While plum wine is not something that most people enjoy drinking, it’s something that many homebrewers also enjoy. This is because it’s something that gives you a sense of accomplishment for making your own.

Making plum wine is not difficult and it’s something that you can do with just a few home brewing ingredients. In this article, we’ll show you the easiest recipe for making plum wine, with step-by-step instructions to help you get there. Follow the instructions and you’ll be making your own plum wine in no time at all!

What is plum wine?

It’s a type of wine that is made by fermenting red or purple plums with a specific type of yeast. Plum wine usually has an alcohol content between 8% and 18% and it has a deep red color

The time it takes to make plum wine depends on the type of plums you use, but generally speaking, it takes about six months – one year for the fermentation process to complete. I don’t want to wait for six months!

How to prepare plum wine

  • Preparation Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 3–4 bottles
  • Category: Alcoholic drink prepared by fermentation


  • 5  pounds (lbs) of ripe plums
  • 3 pounds (lbs) of sugar
  • 16 cups of filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 packet of champagne yeast
  • Pot for brewing
  • Hot water kettle
  • Carboys with airlock
  • Potato masher
  • Hydrometer

Ensure that the plums are fresh with no molds. The water that you are using should not be treated with chlorine since it will spoil the taste of your wine. Moreover, you should use fresh lemon juice and not bottled lemon juice.

How to Make Delicious and Refreshing Plum Wine

To make the premium wine at home, you need to ensure that your brewing equipment is sanitized. Everything that will be used to handle the plums needs to be clean and sanitized. This is applied in all brewing procedures to ensure the wine is safe to drink. You can follow the following steps to make plum wine:

  1. Remove the plum stems from all the plums and clean them. After cleaning them, put them in a large pot. You can also cut the plums into quarters.
  2. Use a potato masher to mash them and break the skins. You want to use the plums with broken skins to ensure all the fruit is fermented.
  3. Boil the water with a water kettle or any other water boiling equipment you have. Thereafter, pour the boiled water in patches on the plums with the broken skins. Using boiled water will ensure that you kill any organisms such as molds and bacteria that may be on your plum skins. You can also add distilled water to a pot, enough to cover the plums and bring it to a boil on high heat.
  4. After pouring the hot water on the plums, cover the pot with a lid and put it in a cool, quiet, and dry corner of your home to cool. Leave the plums there for 24 hours for fooling to be complete. Ensure that this is not contaminated.
  5. Once the cooling process is complete after 24 hours, add some lemon juice and sugar to the mixture. Then stir the mixture vigorously. Add the yeast to the plums as per the yeast manufacturer’s instructions on the yeast packaging. The yeast I am currently using needs rehydrating when you are about to use it to make your brew. You can also remove it from heat, allow it to cool down then add sugar or honey to taste (usually 1-2 cups of sugar or 3-6 tablespoons of honey per gallon of liquid) as well as yeast (usually 5 grams/gallon/fermentation container).
  6. After adding enough yeast as per the instructions, stir the mixture well and repeat the stirring process after an hour. You can use test the specific gravity of the wine using a hydrometer and in this case, you can get some of the mixture and get the specific gravity at this time.
  7. Thereafter, leave the covered mixture in a warm and quiet for fermentation to occur. Fermentation will take between 4 – 6 days. In between, stir the brew vigorously at least once or twice a day.
  8. Once the initial fermentation is done, filter out the solids. Thereafter, move the liquids to your carboys. Ensure you do not introduce any of the solids in the carboys. For the best filtration process, we use a siphon at Hopsters Brewing Company. The siphon is able to remove most of the liquid thereafter using a mash brewing bag to strain the remaining mixture. Ensure that you bottle the resultant brew immediately for your portion of plum cider. Note that the brew carbonates very quickly so it is better to refrigerate the mixture immediately in a wine cooler. The bottle used should be able to handle some carbonation build-up.
  9. You can drink your plum cider after 2-3 days in the fridge since the carbonation and final brewing is ready.
  10. You should leave the brew in the carboys for 2 weeks after you have topped it with an airlock. After 2 weeks, pour the wine into a clean jug for the final round of fermentation. This process removes all the spent yeast. Removing spent yeast improves the taste of your wine.
  11. After all the process is done (which takes 2 months), bottle the wine. You should let the wine age for at least 10 months to ensure your wine has a sweet mellow flavor. The wine is now ready to drink.

Note that tasting the wine before the process is complete will give you a disappointing taste of your wine. Note that the plum wine tastes better with age. So 10 months can be extended if you want to get the best-tasting wine.

Recipe For Plum Wine: 11 Steps to Make Your Own, Homebrew Style!

How long does it take to make plum wine?

. Making plum wine is an easy process that doesn’t take too long. You can make it in less than 15 minutes and have to wait for at least 6 months before you enjoy your homemade fruit wine. You also need to note that these are the requirements and ways to improve the taste.

It takes less than 15 minutes to prepare everything, but you have to wait for at least 6 months before you can enjoy your homemade plum wine. It is recommended that you take your wine after 1 year.

Is plum wine same as sake?

Yes, “plum wine” or “plum sake” are widely accepted and synonymous with each other to describe umeshu, a type of Japanese wine. Plum wine is high in alcohol and has a deep red color.

It’s an acidic wine that is made by fermenting red or purple plums with a specific type of yeast. It’s a type of wine that is pleasant to drink in small amounts.

Yes, you can make plum wine from the same process used to make sake. In fact, umeshu is actually a type of sake that is often made from unripe ume fruit. If you’re interested in making your own homebrew style at home, this article has everything you need to know about how to make plum wine and how it’s done!

Can you eat the plums in plum wine?

Yes, you can eat the plums after fermentation. You can drink plum wine fresh or use it as a cooking ingredient. It’s a great way to preserve your harvest and make something delicious!

There are many benefits to making your own plum wine. First, you can choose the type and color of plums you want to use. Second, you can use your favorite yeast.

Third, the fermentation process is much easier than other wines (since it only takes about 2-3 days). And lastly, because there isn’t a lot of sugar in the drink, it’s easier on your stomach than traditional wine.

What goes well with plum wine?

Plum wine goes well with a wide variety of foods. It makes a tasty complement to sushi and dishes that have an Asian flair. It also goes well with vanilla ice cream, chocolate cake and cheesecake!

Plum wine goes well with a lot of different things. It’s best served chilled, so it’s perfect for hot summer days. But it also tastes great with sushi!

Ways to improve the taste of plum wine

Fruits and berries add flavor to the wine. However, you can add cane sugar during fermentation to add sweeteness. Reduces acidity – it also adds sweetness to the wine. Makes your wine smoother.

Adds color to your final product: blueberries, blackberries and cherries will turn your wine a darker color. Adds tannins or stabilizes acidity levels in the wine.

Some people choose to add a sweetening agent to the wine during fermentation. The most common is cane sugar, but you can try adding other types of sugar like honey, corn sugar, beet sugar, etc. If you are going to add an extra sweetener, the best time is right before bottling or kegging the wine.

This type of wine is high in alcohol and has a deep red color. It’s an acidic wine that is made by fermenting red or purple plums with a specific type of yeast. Plum wine is pleasant to drink in small amounts. It’s a type of wine that is great for winding down after a long day or before bedtime.

Should I refrigerate plum wine?

Should I refrigerate plum wine?

After you open a bottle or carton of plum wine, we recommend storing it in the wine refrigerator to keep it fresh. Most of the time, you will find plum wine in bottled form.

One of the reasons why I recommend this type of wine is because it has a long shelf life. The downside to bottling your own plum wine is that once you open a bottle, you need to refrigerate it.

The best option for those who want to make their own plum wine in bulk is to use a carton or container that can be stored in the fridge and opened as needed.

When you store your homemade plum wine in the refrigerator, it will last for up to 12 months after opening without affecting its taste or quality. You’ll enjoy your homemade wine even longer if you plan accordingly!

How do you make wine sweeter during fermentation?

You can add, can surar to make wine sweeter. The sugar will be added before or during the fermentation process. When adding sugar to wine during fermentation, it’s important to make sure you do so slowly and in stages.

  1. Add a little bit of sugar at first, wait for the yeast to use up some of the sugar and then add more
  2. Add a little bit more, wait again, then add more until you reach your desired sweetness level.
  3. Cover with cheesecloth and allow to ferment for 7-14 days before bottling.

Is fruit wine real wine?

Yes, technically, fruit wine is wine, but it’s not alcohol as you would buy at the store. You’re going to make your own wine, so it won’t be labeled or marketed as wine. Fruit wines are typically made with only fruit and water. They are not fermented with yeast like regular wine.

Final Tips: Is Plum Wine Worth the Effort?

I hope this recipe for plum wine has given you a few ideas of what to do with all those plums in your backyard. Making your own homemade plum wine at home is a lot of fun and it’s also very inexpensive to make. If you want to drink the wine sooner than 6 months, you can add some sugar when fermenting the plums or add more sugar when bottling the wine. This will help to preserve the fruit flavors better. There are many variations of how to make this recipe and if you want to explore them, there are many recipes on the internet that are worth reading! Enjoy!

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you in your homebrewing efforts.

  1. If you find that the wine is too acidic, start adding honey to the mixture. Honey will counter the effects of acidity.
  2. You can also use water to dilute the taste of sharply flavored plums, or sweeten it with sugar if it’s too dry.
  3. Add a little lemon juice to combat astringency and bitterness.
  4. The best time of year to make plum wine is during the late summer and early fall when the plums are ripe, but not fully ripe yet. This means they won’t spoil as quickly as plums later in the season.


What are the advantages of making plum wine at home?

Home-brewed wine is not only fun but also saves you money. It’s a great way to keep your family and friends entertained during the holidays.

How much alcohol content does this type of fruit wine have?

Plum wines have between 11% and 15%

How can I improve the taste of my plum wine?

There are many ways to improve your homemade plum wine; for example, a few weeks before fermenting add some honey or sugar to it. You can also add raisins, cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods, or cherries to it.

Can I drink my homemade plum wine earlier than one year?

Yes, if you want your homemade plum wine to have a good taste, you need to wait for at least six months (1 year is recommended) before you can drink it.

Do I need anything else besides plums and sugar?

You’ll need yeast as well as red or black grape concentrate which will give the plums their crimson color. You will also need de-stemmed, pitted and chopped plums that are free from mold or decay and either a large jar or container with an air-tight lid.

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