What Size Pot Do You Need for Brewing Beer? The Ultimate Pot for Brewing beer Guide

What Size Pot Do You Need for Brewing Beer?

When it comes to choosing the right pot for brewing beer, there are a few factors to keep in mind. Once you know these basics, you’ll be able to pick the right pot for your brewing needs.

For the novice brewer, it can be difficult to know what size pot is needed to brew beer. Especially if you’ve never brewed before. You might be wondering what size pot is needed to brew beer.

Or maybe you’re new to home brewing and want to know what size pot is needed to make a 5-gallon batch. Or maybe you’re an experienced homebrewer and want to know what size pot is needed to make a 10-gallon batch.

Whatever the reason, knowing what size pot is needed is important. Even if you’re new to brewing, you’ll want to make sure you have the right size pot. There are a few different sizes that you can choose from depending on your needs.

Before reading this, keep in mind that you don’t need more than one size pot for brewing beer. You can do it in batches and reuse your pot as needed. Here are some different-sized pots you can use for brewing beer.

What Size Pot Is Needed for Brewing Beer?

The size of the brew kettle will dictate the amount of space needed for boiling. It is recommended to have a 50% to 100% gallon buffer above your final volume so that you can boil off some water if needed or sparge with hot water for your clean-up process.

The size of pot you need to use also depends on how long you are going to be brewing. To save time and make less work, most brewers boil their wort in batches instead of all at once.

For example, they might make 5 gallons at a time and then come back later to make another 5 gallons when they are ready. If this is the case, then you will need two pots that fit your brewing batch size.

Batch volume (Gallons)Brew pot size (brew kettle)
13 or more
58 or more
1015 or more
1520 or more
2530 or more

5 Gallon Pot for Brewing Beer:

For a 2.5-gallon full boil extract, partial mash or all-grain brew (3-3.5 gallons of wort in the kettle), you’ll need an 5 to 6 gallon brew kettle. For a 3.5 gallon full boil extract, partial mash or all-grain brew (5 gallons of wort in the kettle), you’ll need an 8 to 10 gallon brew kettle.

10 Gallon Pot for Brewing Beer

A 10-gallon pot is perfect for brewing a 5-gallon batch that has a full volume boil. This means your brew kettle should hold at least 8 to 10 gallons. If you want to brew more, then this size pot is great for you.

It can hold up to 10 gallons and is perfect for brewing a 5- or even 10-gallon batch. Remember, you don’t need more than one size of pot for brewing beer. If you need something bigger, all you have to do is brew in batches and reuse your pot as needed.

This size pot can also be used when you’re making a 10-gallon batch with a full volume boil with an additional volume of wort that is boiled. If you have more than one kettle, the pot should be at least 8 gallons in size.

25 Gallon Pot for Brewing Beer

A 25-gallon pot is perfect for those brewing beer who are doing a 15-gallon batch with the full volume boil. That’s because this size pot allows you to have enough room for all of your ingredients.

The boiling process can be a lot different depending on what scale you brew at and this size pot is perfect for those who want to do a full volume boil.

If you’re brewing a 15 gallon batch, you’ll want to use a 25-gallon pot. A full volume boil will need this size pot so that there is enough room for the ingredients and extra water.

50 Gallon Pot for Brewing Beer

A 50 gallon pot is the largest pot you will need for brewing beer at home. With a 30-40 gallon batch, the full volume boil will need a 50-gallon brew kettle. This size pot can accommodate a 10 gallon batch as well.

The larger your batch size, the more you’ll need to make sure to scale up your equipment sizes. A 30 or 40 gallon batch would be perfect for this size pot.

67 Gallon Pot for Brewing Beer

A 67 gallon pot is perfect for brewing a 50 gallon batch of homebrew. This size is often used by people who brew beer commercially, but it can also be used for home brewers.

If you are making a 10-gallon batch, you will need to boil your water in batches which can take some time. This might not be the best choice if you’re just starting out because it requires more equipment, room, and effort on your part.

How big of a brew kettle do I need?

How much water in a beer?

Your pot size should be ideally 50% larger than your batch size, but a bare minimum of at least 30% larger. This is because when boiling liquid you will lose some volume as the water evaporates.

For example, a 5-gallon batch of beer will need a 10-gallon kettle. This is to allow for plenty of room to boil off the wort and reduce the heat. If your wort volume is less than 30% larger than your kettle size, you’ll be boiling off more water than necessary. This will end up making your beer more bitter or dark due to the increased concentration of sugars in the remaining liquid.

If your kettle is too small, you will either need to boil your beer for a lot longer or split up your batch into two kettles and boil them in batches over two different heaters. Brewing beer doesn’t have to be complicated!

With the right size pot, it’s easier than you might think. The most important thing is to make sure you know what size pot to choose. Too small of a pot and you might need to boil in batches.

Too big of a pot and you’ll spend more money on propane for boiling. It’s best to start with a larger kettle than a smaller one because of the loss of volume during boiling. But at least 30% larger than the amount of beer you want to make should suffice!

What size stock pot for brewing beer?

Brewing beer isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ll need to have the right equipment and know what size pot you need for your batch. For example, if you’re brewing a 5 gallon batch of beer, you’ll need a 10 gallon pot.

The brew pot should be at least 1.5 times the size of the batch you’re brewing, but double the capacity is preferred to prevent boiling over.

Follow these steps to complete your brew:

  1. Place your grains in a muslin bag or big coffee filter – this will keep them from clogging up your spigot and reduce the chance of fermentation later on
  2. Boil water in the brew pot until it reaches 170 degrees Fahrenheit
  3. Once the water reaches 170 degrees Fahrenheit, remove from heat and add grains to steep for 60 minutes
  4. Add hops according to recipe directions 4b- Optionally add spices like ginger or peppermint (with caution)
  5. After 60 minutes, bring water back up to boil then remove from heat
  6. Drain hops and grains from wort (liquid)
  7. Put wort into the primary fermenter with enough cold water to reach 5 gallons and pitch yeast.

How big of a pot do you need for all-grain brewing?

It might be tempting to buy a large pot to make brewing easier, but there is a size that you need for all-grain brewing.

When you’re using an all-grain batch size of 5 gallons, for example, you would need at least a 7.5 gallon pot.

This is because when you’re making beer with all grain it tends to foam more than malt extract beer and you’ll need more room in the pot to avoid overflow.

If your starting recipe calls for 10 pounds of malt, it will require 12 gallons of water which means you would need a 15 gallon pot. If this isn’t the type of information that you were looking for, feel free to check out our blog post on what size pot do I need?

Can you brew beer in a stock pot?

IS brewing beer bad for the environment?

Yes, but it is much better to have a brew pot if you want to use full grain. A stock pot is smaller and thinner than a brew pot, which means there is less room for the grains.

That means that the grains will be sitting closer together and touching each other. The more grains that are touching each other, the hotter they will get and the more likely gunk will form.

That gunk can cause your beer to taste bad or even ferment improperly. The perfect size of a brew pot is at least 6 gallons in volume, while a stockpot should be 4-5 gallons in volume. If you want to use full grain, get a brew pot!

Can you make beer in a 5-gallon bucket?

yes, you can make beer in a 5-gallon bucket. The bucket can make beer volume of up to 3 gallons.

What equipment do I need to brew 5 gallons of beer?

You need at least an 8-gallon brewing pot or brew kettle, carboy (fermenter), and bottling bucket.

Can you ferment 1 gallon in a 5-gallon bucket?

Yes, you can perfectly brew 1 gallon of liquor in a 5-gallon container, but you would need a fairly large bucket to do so. . The most popular size for fermenting beer is an 18.9-liter container, which is the same as a 6-gallon bucket or keg.

It is not possible to ferment more than 1 gallon of beer inside of the standard 5-gallon food-grade bucket that homebrewers use to brew beer.

This is because the thickness of the glass on these containers does not allow for fermentation gases enough room to escape, and it’s also because people usually put carbon dioxide gas inside their buckets before filling them with wort, which causes gas pressure inside the container that would prevent any additional liquid from being added.

So if you want to ferment >1 gallon batches of homebrew, be sure to buy a 6-gallon vessel like a 6-gallon glass carboy or plastic food grade keg from your local homebrew store.

Can you ferment 2 gallons in a 5 gallon bucket?

Yes, if you use a 5-gallon bucket for primary fermentation for a 2-gallon batch, you will be fine. You will want to use a bucket lid for an airlock. Be sure not to fill the bucket all the way up to the top.

Fermentation is an aerobic process, which means it needs oxygen in order to work. The bucket lid will help provide that oxygen.

If you’re looking for something a little more professional, you can always purchase a carboy or fermenter. They come in various sizes and are designed specifically for home brewing and fermenting beer or wine


There are a few different-sized pots you can use for brewing beer. No matter what your needs are or what size pot you need, there is an option available to you.

Before purchasing anything you should keep in mind that you don’t need more than one pot for brewing beer. You can do it in batches and reuse your pot as needed.

We hope this article has helped answer any questions you may have had about the different-sized pots available for brewing beer.

The size of the pot you use is based on the batch size that you’re brewing. For 5 gallons, a 10-quart pot is needed. For 10 gallons, a 20-quart pot is needed. If you are brewing a smaller batch size, then a smaller pot will be sufficient for your needs.

Be sure to measure how many quarts your pot holds to make sure it’s the right size. And if you don’t have one of these pots, no worries; they can be found online or at any local kitchen store.


How big do I need my pot to be for brewing beer?

The size of your pot is dependent on the batch size you are trying to brew. For a standard 5 gallon batch, you will need a 10 gallon pot. What size pot should I use for brewing a 10 gallon batch of beer? You will need a 20 gallon pot for brewing a 10 gallon batch of beer.

How big of a fermenter do I need?

You will need at least a fermenter that has a volume of at least 50% more than the volume of the batch to be brewed. For example, a 12-gallon pot is needed for an 8-gallon batch.

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