Calories in Pabst Blue Ribbon: 12 Fl. Oz. Confirmed Calorie Content

Have you ever thought about how many calories in Pabst Blue Ribbon you consume after a long day? This article sheds light on the nutritional facts of this beloved original lager beer, which are often overlooked.

We explore the brewing process and ingredients list to uncover the surprising truths behind the delicious Pabst Blue Ribbon’s caloric impact. Moreover, we provide helpful tips on how to enjoy this classic staple American lager while managing your calorie intake.

A 12-fluid ounce can (equivalent to 355 milliliters) of Pabst Blue Ribbon (4.7% ABV) contains 144 calories and 12.8 grams of carbohydrates.  

Whether you’re a loyal Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) fan or seeking to understand the calories in your favorite drink, this article is a must-read to make informed choices about your beverage consumption.

Calories In Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) vs other standard regular beers such as Busch, Budweiser, Coors Banquet and Modelo Especial

How Many Calories In Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR)?

A 12-fluid ounce can (equivalent to 355 milliliters) of Pabst Blue Ribbon (4.7% ABV) contains 144 calories and 12.8 grams of carbohydrates. It’s important to note that there is the 8% ABV Pabst Blue Ribbon Stronger Seltzer that gives you 170 calories, 1g sugar & 3g carbs per 12oz serving, the 6.5% ABV Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra that gives you 192 calories, and 15 grams of net carbs, Pabst Blue Ribbon non-alcoholic, and there is Pabst Blue Ribbon Easy that is a low-calorie alcoholic drink.

BrandABVCalorific Output (calories)Carbs (grams)Other Information
Pabst Blue Ribbon (4.7% ABV)4.7%14412.8Classic PBR beer
Pabst Blue Ribbon Stronger Seltzer (8% ABV)8%1703Low sugar, low carb seltzer
Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra (6.5% ABV)6.5%19215Higher-calorie version of PBR
Pabst Blue Ribbon Non-AlcoholicLess than 0.5% VariesVariesNon-alcoholic option
Pabst Blue Ribbon Easy (Low-Calorie)3.8%1108.3Low-calorie alcoholic drink


The PBR can or website does not list any protein, fats, or sugars information. But the calories In Pabst Blue Ribbon are derived from alcohol and carbs.

These statistics are consistent with other commonly produced American lagers and fall within the typical range of calories and carbs for this beer style, albeit slightly higher in the carb content.

How many calories are in a 16-Fluid ounce can of Pabst Blue Ribbon?

It’s essential to note that the caloric content in a 16-fluid ounce can is proportionally higher than that of a 12-fluid ounce can, since they have the same ABV (Alcohol by Volume) and ingredients.

Given that a 12-fluid ounce can of Pabst Blue Ribbon contains approximately 144 calories, you can estimate the caloric content in a 16-fluid ounce can by calculating the proportion:

Calories in a 16-fluid ounce can = (Calories in a 12-fluid ounce can) * (Volume of 16-fluid ounce can / Volume of 12-fluid ounce can). Calories in a 16-fluid ounce can = 144 * (16 / 12) = 192 calories.

Therefore, a 16-fluid ounce can of Pabst Blue Ribbon contains approximately 192 calories, since they have the same ABV and ingredients as the standard 12-fluid ounce can.

Pabst Blue Ribbon Calories Compared To Other American Lagers

Comparing Pabst Blue Ribbon to other American adjunct lagers, the calorie, and other nutrition facts are generally very similar. PBR falls within the typical range for American lagers, with a calorie count of 144 per 12-ounce can.

Budweiser has 5% ABV which is the standard beer alcohol content. While PBR is more calorific than some of the lighter options like Miller Lite, Bud Light, and Coors Light, it is not the most calorific beer in this comparison.

The table provides details on Calories, ABV (Alcohol by Volume), Carbs, and other information:

BrandCaloriesABVCarbs (grams)Other Information
Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR)1444.7%12.8Classic PBR beer
Corona Extra1484.6%14Mexican pale lager
Budweiser1455%10.6Classic American lager
Busch1144.3%6.7Budget-friendly lager
Modelo Especial1434.4%13.5Mexican pilsner-style lager
Yuengling1304.5%12Traditional amber lager
Heineken1425%11.3Dutch pale lager

Pabst Blue Ribbon is a popular beer enjoyed throughout the United States, known for its unique flavor that appeals to many beer enthusiasts. However, it’s important to practice moderation when consuming any alcoholic beverage to maintain a well-balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Pabst Blue Ribbon Ingredients

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) is a classic American lager with a simple yet distinctive ingredient list. This beloved brew is crafted using water, barley malt, corn syrup (maltose), yeast, and hops.

It’s important to mention that Pabst doesn’t utilize hop extract and opts for actual hops instead. The corn syrup utilized in the production of PBR includes carbohydrates including simple sugars such as dextrose and maltose. However, these are fermented into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

The combination of these ingredients results in the balanced and smooth taste that has made PBR a favorite among beer enthusiasts for generations. It is not gluten-free but is vegan-friendly. With its light golden color, subtle malt sweetness, and a touch of hop bitterness, PBR has become a timeless icon in the world of American beers.

The straightforward ingredient list of Pabst Blue Ribbon reflects its no-frills approach to brewing, allowing the beer’s flavors to shine through. The addition of corn syrup (maltose) may contribute to the beer’s slightly higher carbohydrate content, which should be considered by those monitoring their dietary intake.

Despite some variations in the brewing process and formulations over time, PBR continues to hold its place as a go-to option for those seeking a refreshing and uncomplicated beer experience.

Sugar Is In Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) contains very minimal sugar. The primary source of sugar in PBR comes from the special corn syrup used in the brewing process, specifically maltose, which is a type of sugar derived from corn and malted barley.

A 12-fluid ounce can (equivalent to 355 milliliters) of Pabst Blue Ribbon (4.7% ABV) contains around 12.8 grams of carbohydrates but 0 grams of sugar and 0 grams of dietary fiber. PBR doesn’t contain any added sugars.

It’s essential to remember that beer, including Pabst Blue Ribbon, is an alcoholic beverage, and its primary caloric content comes from alcohol, not sugar. Thus 66.5% of the calorie output from PBR is from alcohol whereas the remainder is from carbohydrates.

Fat In Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) does not contain any significant amount of fat. Beer, in general, is not a significant source of fat, as it is primarily composed of water, carbohydrates (from malt and other sources), alcohol, and some protein.

The brewing process and the ingredients used in PBR do not introduce fats into the final product. This means that there are no fatty ingredients in the Pabst Blue Ribbon recipe.

A 12-fluid ounce can (equivalent to 355 milliliters) of Pabst Blue Ribbon (4.7% ABV) typically contains negligible to trace amounts of fat. The total fat content is 0 grams meaning there is 0 grams of saturated Fat and 0 grams of Trans Fat.

Is Pabst Blue Ribbon low carb?

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) is not generally considered a low-carb beer. Although it’s not excessively high in carbohydrates compared to some other beers, it does contain a moderate amount of carbs because of the use of barley malt and corn syrup (maltose) during the brewing process.

A 12-fluid ounce can of Pabst Blue Ribbon with 4.7% ABV contains approximately 12.8 grams of carbohydrates. The carb content may vary slightly depending on specific formulations and differences in the brewing process.

If you’re searching for a low-carb beer, there are other choices available on the market, such as some light beers, which might have fewer carbs and calories. This beer is made using a generous amount of 6-row barley, a well-proportioned mix of carbohydrates from corn syrup, and a distinctive blend of Pacific domestic hops and Yugoslavian imported hops.


Is Pabst Blue Ribbon beer healthy?

While Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) beer and other alcoholic beverages may have potential health benefits when consumed in moderation, they are not considered “healthy” in the traditional sense as they do not provide essential vitamins or minerals.

PBR and other beers contain calories from alcohol and carbohydrates, which can lead to various health risks when consumed excessively, such as liver damage, addiction, and an increased risk of certain diseases.

It is important to consume PBR and other alcoholic beverages responsibly and in moderation, as moderate alcohol consumption may be a part of a balanced lifestyle for some individuals but is not necessary or recommended for a healthy diet.

If you have specific health concerns or dietary restrictions, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to understand how alcohol fits into your overall health and wellness plan.

What does PBR beer taste like?

Pabst Blue Ribbon (PBR) beer is known for its simple, light, and refreshing taste. It falls into the American lager style, which is characterized by its approachability and clean profile. Here are some common descriptions of PBR’s taste:

  1. Crisp: PBR has a crisp and clean taste, making it easy to drink and very refreshing, especially when served cold.
  2. Balanced: It strikes a good balance between malt sweetness and hop bitterness. The malt provides a subtle sweetness, while the hops contribute a mild bitterness that’s not overpowering.
  3. Light-bodied: PBR is a light-bodied beer, meaning it doesn’t have a heavy or thick mouthfeel. It’s often described as smooth and easy to drink.
  4. Mild Flavor: The flavors in PBR are not particularly strong or bold. Instead, it offers a straightforward and uncomplicated beer experience.
  5. Slight Graininess: Some beer enthusiasts may detect a mild grainy or cereal-like flavor, which is typical of lagers brewed with barley malt.

Overall, Pabst Blue Ribbon has a mild and inoffensive taste, making it a popular choice for casual drinking and social occasions. Its approachability and relatively low cost have contributed to its widespread popularity among beer enthusiasts and partygoers alike.


A standard can of Pabst will definitely push your keto boundaries. With 144 calories per 12-fluid ounce can, PBR falls within the range of other regular American beers in the American adjunct lager style. While it may be slightly more calorific than some lighter options, it remains a popular and well-loved choice among beer enthusiasts across the United States.